It’s a hard question. A common misconception is that only beautiful girls make money. Yet beauty is very subjective. And more importantly, many women do not realize that outer beauty, alone, is simply not enough to become a wholesomely desirable woman. Moreover, no matter how desirable a woman may be, one can never appeal to all. Being successful and making good money are very temporal for an escort, and very susceptible to fluctuation. Even when women are able to make lots of money for a period of time, it does not mean they are necessarily successful with clients nor does it mean they are promised a successful future. There are a lot of escorts who may appear to be ‘successful’ for the moment, yet what outsiders do not see is that, behind the scenes, she may very well have little prospects for the future. In my opinion, being a successful escort means establishing a good regular clientele and working towards an alternative career, because this equates to long term success in a more emotionally wholesome environment.
Generally, girls who make lots of money are hustlers. Which means they chase money at all the multiple scales of ‘high-class’ escorting, and they essentially make escorting their life (ie: they work full-time and are often willing to work at all hours of the day). However, while working full-time can equate to lots of money, I’d argue that working constantly is a recipe for short-term success only.
Working full-time is not easy by any means, and there are typically dire implications. Firstly, a woman may make a lot of money for a period of time, yet it does not mean she will continue to be successful endlessly. What makes an escort successful versus how much money she’s made are not the same thing. One woman I knew (who’s in the industry) lived quite a lavish lifestyle. You’d think that she’s making $1000+ US dollars per hour. But in reality, she does a mixture of jobs catering to clients of all rate-scales. She works in a brothel-like establishment in the day-time. This pays her approximately $240 per hour (the business takes $70 dollars.), which seems very low. Then she advertises and does private out-calls/incalls for a much higher price. She works every day, and like many other full-time escorts, she, sadly, use drugs and alcohol to lessen the emotional impact. Yes, one can make lots of money by working full-time, but at what cost? Short-term goals of making fast-money often have negative implications, physically and mentally. I cannot relay how many escorts I met who sacrificed their mind, body, and soul for quick, fast money — from extremely short-lived beauty queens to drug addicted, disfigured women in a very short span. Drug/substance addictions and the resulting physical/mental damage is a reality for many prostitutes who are not careful in how they work within this industry. Tragically, many women who end up in this tragic fate had no option of choice — too often women get lured by mass exploitation and false promises within the sex industry. Aside from being susceptible to drugs and alcohol, working too often can also make an escort harden, or burn out, more faster. In other words, working too frequently will make her experiences with clients more rigid, and therefore her chances of establishing wholesome, regular clientele will be stipulated. One must humble themselves and realize that many women are not given the option to work less — everyone has different circumstances. I personally recommend working less, if that’s an option. Once a woman can become established as an independent escort, I recommend working less at higher rates to a select clientele. And finally, I stress the importance of balancing one’s life with clients and other things they enjoy (outside of their work).
*I should also note that many ‘high-class’ escorts give off the facade of wealth/luxury, when in reality they are spending all of their income on designer goods to promote their image. She might be carrying Chanel bags, but it doesn’t imply she’s successful or wealthy. Ironically, the rule I learnt from my observations is that anyone who makes tremendous effort to boast of their ‘success’ or material gains is, in fact, using boasting to mask their deep insecurities and low self-esteem. It is very easy for an escort to have a low sense of self, as wealth and ‘success’ with clients are extremely fragile. In my opinion, a successful escort is one who is moderate in her spending and humble; she saves a lot or invests into a home and/or education, because she’s mindful that she cannot sell herself forever.
Extremely high-priced girls are not necessarily more ‘worthy’ than a girl with more moderate hourly rates. In fact, as mentioned, many escorts are often working at multiple rate scales. For example, the same escort who advertises for $800.00 dollars per hour is also likely working for $200.00 an hour. The escorting industry simply exploits the fact that some men will pay a lot of money for a woman who is apparently “higher” class. The difference in price is not always reflective of the quality of the girl, but rather it is simply marketing and the overall economics of the particular city. However, quality can exist. There are women who set their rates higher than average, and can provide a more ‘quality’ experience as they are more selective with their clientele and, perhaps, work less frequently — in all cases, from the clients end, seeing escorts is always a gamble.
In general, most women I met are catering to two types of clientele: (1) clients who see private/independent escorts only, and (2) ‘brothel rats,’ clients (as they called them), or men who visit brothel establishments only. Overall, escorts do not all work in the same manner, and many women establish their own preferences on where, when and how to work. What is comfortable for one woman is different than other. Usually, women work in scenarios related to their level of comfort. For instance, a lot of ‘elite’ escorts prefer the brothel/agency settings rather than working independently.
For myself, personally, I have never been a hustler in the sense of working full-time. I have always worked part-time as an escort, at my own leisure and comfort. Yet despite working part-time, I make a generous income for working so infrequently, and I am satisfied with having enough to live comfortable, and establishing some savings gradually. I don’t want to ‘hustle’ and work full-time as a professional escort, because I have seen how so many escorts over-work themselves and resultantly burn out. Then again, I have to be so thankful that I can have the luxury of being able to work less and live relatively well — some women aren’t as lucky, and are sort of compelled to work full-time.
What Girls are Most in Demand?
From my observations, there are a few characteristics that drive men wild. Yet again, one must remember that desires are so diverse, so I always recommended escorts to be themselves. A stunningly beautiful girl who’s new to the sex industry or a particular place (or city) will likely be popular at first. However, once she’s slept with the men who were curious about her …she will only continue to be successful if she has the brains or sexual confidence to match.
For the most part, clients want good sex and good companionship. I’ve seen many beautiful girls who get overly confident in their first months, only to be shocked why they don’t have any regulars. Outer beauty, alone, has nothing to do with establishing a true connection with a worthy, wholesome client.
Another interesting thing I’ve observed is the POWER of chemistry and pheromones. I truly believe this, as I have observed this endlessly. Working in an establishment, I’ve seen girls who don’t really get picked, but suddenly one day they are constantly being chosen. During the days where I worked in an establishment, I’ve noticed that certain times during my monthly cycle that men were dying to devour me. For instance, there are times I barely wear makeup and feel sleepy, yet every man I meet wants to book with me. I could be completely covered up, yet somehow men detected my monthly ‘ripeness.’ I recall memories of working where every client was eagerly licking, kissing and tasting my whole body — as if my body was emitting an intoxicating, delicious scent. Typically this is around my ovulation period, and perhaps I am feeling most horny at this time (somehow the men can detect it — the heat of my body).
Likewise, at times when I was extremely stressed, I was no longer the ‘belle de jour’ at the brothel. The first times I started to falter in my bookings (otherwise known as burnout) was when I started quarrelling often with my ex-fiance. Most of the quarrelling was because I wasn’t sure the ‘normal’ relationship route was actually what I wanted. The constant fighting made me either not sleep at all, over oversleep….which gave birth to dark circles and puffy eyes when I was 22. Stress is the WORST recipe for being an escort. It does not matter how beautiful you are, but if you are stressed and needing to make money (and feeling animosity towards men at the same time)….don’t even bother!
I remember meeting a really gorgeous escort a few months ago. She was new the industry. She was quite attractive. I told her that she would be really popular because she was quite pretty. To her dismay, she only had 1 client during her 7 hour shift. This shows that STRESS alone can kill off the chemicals that men are attracted too. She told me she was desperate to make money, as she had a child and was extremely stressed about her money situation. I told her she needs to relax and feel good…..and that hopefully next shift her ease will reflect more clients. In essence, chemicals are very powerful in attraction.
Who are the most popular girls?
Again, it’s a perception. A girl can be popular for periods of time, but as mentioned before…even the most beautiful girl will go from being popular to just having her regulars and a consistent flow. But again, it really depends, as all escorts are unique individuals. I, myself, was one of the ‘popular’ girls at the brothel, which means I was often chosen by clients. As an independent escort, the dynamics are different, because now, I choose from the pool of clients who contact me. I am always thankful that I have been a desired woman in this industry. As clients would tell me, I have both beauty and intellect. I am chosen for both reasons, but at other times it’s one or the other. Apart from my admired big boobs and shapely backside, I retain a bit of elegance in my mannerisms, dress and speech also, so many clients express how this attracted them and made them feel at ease. Presentation plays an important role in what sort of clients an escort will attract. If I had a rude personality and presented myself as purely flesh, I would certainly attracted a different clientele (the kind I wouldn’t like).
Girls who are quite sought after can be many things. One popular lady I knew was an escort I developed a crush on. I remember the first day meeting her and thinking she wasn’t that pretty. She was in her 30’s, and was quite popular with respectable clients. Once I heard her beautiful voice and getting to see her mannerisms, I became mesmerized by her — I had never met a woman like her before. She was different from anyone I had ever met, and for the first time in my life I found an escort I could admire. After getting to know her, I found her to be strikingly beautiful (inside and out). I could see what drew men to her…she had such an intoxicating persona, genuine and loving. She was extremely intelligent, sincerely sweet, and I suppose her age gave her a natural sex appeal (her and I shared clients, so I discovered she was quite ‘tuned’ with her sexuality). This woman actually changed my entire concept of beauty. Initially, I hardly noticed her, but after seeing the beauty of her inner-self, I became immensely attracted to her in every sense. What society tells us to desire in terms of beauty is NOT necessarily beauty, especially if it’s only shallow.
In my city, the most popular girls vary. I’ve noticed there is always a huge demand for rare women who aren’t typically found in the business: For instance, if there is a lack of certain ethnic escorts in some areas, then these women can be popular due to their rareness. Again, it truly varies, because there is so much diversity in what is desirable within the sex industry.