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Escorting in Marbella Spain
Prostitution is legal in Spain and has been since 1995, with the government recognizing it as a legitimate profession. While many people...
Prostitute and Whore — 2 Terms, 2 Different Meanings
I have a problem with the terms associated with a prostitute: Bitch and whore. Sure, some prostitutes possess those qualities, but so can...
Dirty things women want you to try now
Even the most creative, in love and passionate couple will get bored of doing it in the same positions over and over again. One of the...
Marbella Escort trip
In case you are thinking visiting Marbella as escorts will be like any other trip you have made in the past, you couldn’t be further from...
My Clients
Being an escort is a way of life and profession that evolves and grows as much as any other and I don't think there is a more varied...
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